Thursday, December 23, 2010

Dynamo Torch on a rainy day

It had been raining non stop for about 3 days in SoCal and my daughters have been couped up in the house as school is out for the holiday season.  My youngest was just put to nap, so my oldest and I were the only ones around.

I know its quite close to Christmas but I remember that I bought a Dynamo Torch a while back that was sitting in my car just waiting to be built.  If I remember it cost a little more because I bought it from a brick and mortar store not from Amazon, good to know for the next one right.  

The boxes the company make look really slick that might have been the reason I picked one up.  They also make it look super easy to build this projects.  A while back I posted about making a dynamo torch, but I did not know it had an actual name to it at the time.  

The whole build was really simple, and only took about 15 minutes, I kind of wish it took longer but there is not really much to do when building this project.  

Here is a quick look at what the contents of the box contains:

After following the first few steps (only about 6 total), we have connected one of the gears, and getting ready to connect the second gear.  

Another picture of my daughter connecting the hand crank with a screw driver:

Here is the final product after 15 minutes of hard work.  Like I said earlier it was a fun build and I was able to explain to my daughter how the hand crank works to turn the gears which turns the motor.  The motor then powers the LED (green btw).

I explained how this is sort of like our hand cranked flashlight that she likes to play with, except that it does not hold a charge.  When the wife saw it my oldest explained it the same way to her.  "Mommy its like a flash light but you have to continue to turn the hand crank or it won't light, it does hold a charge."  It was pretty funny to hear her try and explain it.

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