Thursday, October 17, 2019

New Juicebox in the house

I received my new Juicebox (2nd under warranty) today.  It's slightly different then the version I had been using, but that's probably due to age.   This one has a slightly shorter wall wart plug (I actually measured it because it's bolted to the wall at the length of the first Juicebox.

I don't remember the length of the first, but I know the second was short (12 inches roughly), while the new one is about 10 1/2 inches, the connection just barely fit without me having to move the wall connectors to a new location.

The second part different is the J1772 cable to the car.  The old cable was probably about 0 AWG and the new one is about 8 AWG (this is just a guess though), and the cable is a little longer maybe 2-4ft. 

The only real concern was that once plugged in does it work, and yes I was able to charge tonight without having to drive to a Level 3 before putting it on a Level 1 for the rest of the night.  So that was nice, and I also did not have to put a deposit on this RMA device.   

Thanks Enel X for the great customer service. 

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