Monday, November 5, 2018

Passed CISSP

Wow, this is actually past tense, as I passed it April 12, 2018, but wanted to make a post about it.  As it's not really tinkering, but it falls under STEM.  I had planned on taking it right after my military retirement, which I forgot to mention happened last September (2017).  My combined time (US Navy, and Army National Guard) puts it right over 21 years. 

But back to the topic at hand, like I was saying I had planned on taking it right after retirement, (as I was finishing up my degree), both of which got pushed to the right thanks to the university.  I had been studying for about 6 months but kept pushing it off, then in December, they released the new CAT version of the test, down from 250 question in 6 hours, to 150 questions in 3 hours. 

I pushed it a 2x more times as I didn't feel ready but at this point, I felt that at least I needed to try the exam and see how bad it was.  I took it April 12th, 3 days before the planned changes to the domains for CISSP. 

As you know you never get a score, its just pass or fail.  I walked up the printed copy expecting to fail because it was my first time taking it, and I heard all the horror stories.  I was pleasantly surprised when they handed me the report that said Congratulations. 

I used the Sybex 7th edition book, CCCure, Sybex Practice Tests book, and CISSP facebook group. 
Now to work on the CEU's. 

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